Exploring the depths of organizational thought through enthinkment, true storytelling, and quantum storytelling...

ENTHINKMENT Circle meets every Tuesday 1-2:30PM MOUNTAIN time zone.  One Click Zoom Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8950795007?pwd=b1BnMVVXT3V6UDRZUVFmMkU2NzQydz09
or  enter Zoom Meeting ID: 895 079 5007 Passcode: Boje

About Enthinkment Circle

Enthinkment Circle centers around the work of Professor David Michael Boje and his exploration of "enthinkment," a term coined by his mentor, Louis Ralph Pondy. The website serves as a hub for understanding and expanding upon this concept, which has been largely overlooked in traditional management literature.

Origin of Enthinkment

Born 9 March 1938 in Lorain Ohio, and died 15 July 1987 in Urbana, Illinois.

In 1978, Professor Louis Ralph Pondy shouted the word “Enthinkment” but just once, then made a joke about it, and never uttered again. He died 1987.   Two years ago, we formed 'Enthinkment Circle' and take up the long path of thinking, called Enthinkment.
It is a path of questioning one’s own thinking and the thinking paths of organizations.

Boje's Work on Enthinkment

The Enthinkment Circle

Key Concepts and Implications


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