"Every intention has within it a tendency toward fulfillment and its specifically proper way of possible fulfillment" (WcT 44).


We can transpect (learn language of Heidegger and translate into the language of Bakhtin)

In movie the MATRIX, Morpheus offers Neo the Red or the Blue Pill
Take the Blue pill remain in content of blissful ignorance and illusion, a truth Bakhtin calls ISTINA
Take the Red Pill of potential to lean a life unsettling in what Bakhtin calls PRAVDA, a truth sometimes painful

For last decade I developed a Heideggerian model of

7 antenarrative processes. This year I take the PRAVDA-Red Pill and do some 'aesthetic seeing with Bakhtin's Architectonic Dialogism (the interanimation of radical notions of cognitive, aesthetic, and ethical discourses that has Immanuel Kant rolling over in his grave.

  1. The art of thinking, embodying values is a “deed-performing thinking” (Toward Philosophy of the Act, TPA);  My thinking” from my unique place in Being” (57)

  2. I myself “the one thinking actuals”, “the actually performed act of thinking” (TPA, 58)

  3. Does not sever act of thinking from its ontological roots (TPA, 54)

  4. Seeks unvarnished truth, Beneath the veil of false claims

  5. Distinguishes ISTINA (theoretical/abstract thinking of bystander) from PRAVDA (acts of thinking in once-occurrent event-ness of Being, with answerable consequences)

  6. Asks the question: “Who is the author?” (Art & Answerability A&A 210)

  7. ‘Historical thinking’ that not stuck in Bergson’s durée retrospection


  8. ‘Vision thinking’ about the future “yet-to-be-achieved unity” (A&A 210)

  9. ”Participative thinking” (TPA 59), “participative thinking in lived life” (60),  that is “Answerable thinking” (58)

Antenarratives via Bakhtin with MATRIX update by Boje
              May 15 2022

Radical Reflexivity = ANTERIOR (aka Antenarrative-BEING) process of UNSETTLING 4 ♥-processes of Reflection already settled, Taken-to-

For more on differences and interplay of Reflection and two sorts of Radical Reflexivity, see Garfinkel (1967) and this history of how the Radical Reflexivity gets left behind, but is making a comeback since Pollner (1991) then migrates into Organization Studies.

Mehan, H., & Wood, H. (1976). De-secting ethnomethodology. The American Sociologist, 13-21.  (Click Here related article)

McHugh, P., Raffel, S., Foss, D. C., & Blum, A. F. (1974). On the beginning of social inquiry Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Pollner, M. (1991). Left of ethnomethodology: The rise and decline of radical reflexivity. American Sociological Review, 370-380.

Gephart chapter in Boje, D., Gephart, R. P., & Thatchenkery, T. J. (Eds.). (1995). Postmodern Management and Organization Theory. SAGE Publications.

Cunliffe, A. L., Luhman, J. T., & Boje, D. M. (2000). Re-storying narrative temporality: Implications for the organizational researcher.

Cunliffe, A. L., Luhman, J. T., & Boje, D. M. (2004). Narrative temporality: Implications for organizational research. Organization Studies25(2), 261-286. (Click Here)

Cunliffe, A. L., Luhman, J. T., & Boje, D. M. (2016) Panel presentation at the All Academy Symposium, Narrative Research in Time, presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved on August (Vol. 30, p. 2016). (Click Here)

The Nautilus-Spiral of BEING (#4) We ask two questions: What withdraws into concealment? Who withdraws?  Enthinkment Circle and True Storytelling both play with four who's that are Between (antenarrative process #6) four Hearts (antenarrative processes 1, 2, 3, & 7), and the four Hearts point to the Nautilus-Spiral (#4 antenarrative process) to what and who, withdraws. 

Heidegger Model: "Taking-to-heart" is important to answering the question: What is Called Thinking? (WcT 214). We proposed four hearts ((1, 2, 3, & 7) each pointing to Being (4). Taking-to-four-hearts is in conjunction relation to letting-lie-Before, and letting-lie-antes-and-Bets on the Future. Both ways of Becoming get their fulfillment in-Being, in what and who withdraws.  The is in the Circle of the Four Hearts the Illusion that True Storytelling has taken place just by doing a Storytelling Circle. Without Together-Listening, Together-telling is serial monologing.
..Circle of 4 Hearts of Doing Together-Listening not just
            serial telling

The diagrams have two coordinate directions, horizontal for temporalizing time, and vertical for spatializing space. Existentially, spacetime are inseparable.

depicted horizontal. Antenarrative processes 2, 5-pushing the past, 4 (Nautilus), 5-pulling from future, and 3 are all about the temporalizing of temporality. 

SPACE SPATIALIZING Antenarrative processes 1, 4, and 7 are going into the depths of space, the spatializing processes (#1) Beneath-language and opinion debates, into #4 Being, what and who withdraws in-Being, and to the Beyond (#7), the intuitive, the abductive, the 6th sense beyond the five sense, and what C.S. Peirce calls 'abduction'. This is explored in Boje and Rosile (2020), doing conversational storytelling interviews as part of a dissertation.
"But -- withdrawing is not nothing"... "withdrawal is an event" ... "what withdraws from us, draws us along by its very withdrawal, whether or not we become aware of it immediately, or at all"  (WcT, 9).

Thinking involves one's receptivity to Being-in-time, Being in-space that is expansive, engaging Nature, and to do thinking for one's self, thinking for the We, the Corporate, or the Ecology.  In short, Enthinkment is a way of life, a way of living life in the relativity of thinking, the path of four who's and that which withdraws into concealment, or calls us to think. Enthinkment is not the correctness of a statement or opinion. Enthinkment is a discipline to uncover or disclose the hidden character of Being-in the inseparability of SpaceTimeMattering. Enthinkment pursues a path of thinking, finds a dead-end, and pursues another path of thinking, sometimes for an entire career.