Does Quantum Storytelling Cure Prostate Cancer?

David Michael Boje, Ph.D. Mar 1 2022

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How Are Cancer and Organizational Episidic Conflict Related

I am writing a book on the contributions of Louis Ralph Pondy to Management Thought.  His most famous model was done in his dissertation (1966).  I will relate it to his 1986 Reflections on Organizational Conflict. Here is my rendition of the original model.

Pondy's Model C (Conflict) is about episodic conflicts that are part of how organizations adapte to their environment.  It is an example of what C. S. Peirce calls infinitesimal durations that recur in a cyclical pattern

What Pondy (1986) concludes is organiztions are more about recurring conflict than about anthing like cooperation or harmony. 

I will make a bold claim. Organizations can be manifesting chronic stress that is experienced by people as Felt and Perceived Conflict. The suppression mechanisms do not work very well, nor do the resolution mechanisms.  Latent and Manifest conflict is something I have experienced in the U.S. Army, in Vietnam, and in 40 years of academic life at three universities.  Each one was a caldron of conflict, and people experience the necessary outcomes, including all kinds of disease, including prostate and kidney cancer.  In the caldron of chronic conflict of an organization, people either go with the flow and do not eat the stress, or we stuff it down into our body organs, bones, and flesh.  The more we shove down in the the gut (lower Dantian, a few fingers below navel), the more we have problems with Mind Body Spirit, including cancer.  It is not just the organization setting us in the caldron, it is our own individual way of Wu Wei skills (going with the flow instead of eating the flow, or pushing the river upstream).  I would like to amend my mentor's conflict model.  I propose we stop organizations from suppressing conflict, and promote more conflict management for well-being, not just as the elusive adaptive apparatus by which conflict is how an organization continues to adapt to its it's environmental shifts.

Pondy (1986) in his last address to Academy of Management, confessed his conflict model was in error. This is what my new book is about. Pondy proposed organizations bring in the conflict of its environment, and stage it theatrically, and with reflexivity, so that instead of suppressing conflict the organization is resolving the forces and energies of conflict.  I own my own cancer, name it Little Buddha in an embodied restorying process (ERP) then apply all I have learned about quantum storytelling to manage my stress with Wu Wei and Shamanic Yoga.

This is also an amendment to the new movie, HEAL, which leaves out how to use Mind Body Spirit of ancient India and China practices of Self-Healing. It's not just positive thinking cures cancer or that tricking the mind into placebo mode. Rather science studies of yoga find that 90% of people with cancer are helped by the practices (McCall M.D., 2007) and 97% of people with anxiety are helped.  It is not just the Shamanic Yoga or other Yoga practice, it is the spiritual work that makes all the difference. It is how Brain-talker (who manages the automatic systesm of the body but speaks and processes at 90 miles an hour) is out of phase with what I call 'Mind-Player' the thinking and sensemaking (of 5 senses), which only processes at 5 MPH).  The Body-Talker (to all the vital systems of the Body) has to hear the Mind-Player messages, and that is not just positive thinking, it is positive action the Body can notice. 

Next, my autoethnography of stress and cancer diagnosis and prognosis in the Medical Model.

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis

Mid January 2022, I noticed blood in my urine. My friends told me, 'drive now to the emergency room.'  Instead I called my M.D., who told me, emergency rooms cannot treat this. Jan 12 2022 did a Zoom visit with an Medical Doctor, and schedule urine and blood tests at a lab. By this time the blood in urine had ceased. Time for testing. I scheduled a PSA (prostate specific antegens) blood test, and its was off the scale, 26.8.

My Stress Level is 30 out of 100 

Simvastatin 20 mg 1/day evenings, begun Jan 13, 2022 (per M.D.'s order). It is used to treat high choleserol levels (measured 250, but had been 450 in 1996. Mine is still quite high, but without the vegan diet commenced in 1995, I would not be here to tell you this.

I saw several doctors and the MD scheduled me to see an oncology doctor.  January 26, 2022 I reported to a hospitial wearing COVID mask, after doing an enema, and had a CT scan of the pelvic area, after an IV of idodine, so the photo images would have good contrast. Two days later (Jan 28) the full body Gamma Scan, with enough radiated soemthing in the IV to cause border patrol radiation quipment to sound alarms (I was offered a special pass to get through such check points). On second visit the oncologyist did a Prostate biopsy, in end of January

He called me on a Friday to tell me biopsy samples tested positive for prostate cancer. The biopsy resulted in about three weeks of blood in the urine. I went in the following Wednesday (Feb 2, 2022) for an appointment, to get the diagnosis and my prognosis. A rather alarming and stress occurance each time I peed.

At the Feb 2nd visit, I learned 13 of 17 biopsies revealed cancer. A Cat Scan (taking idodine for camera contrast) and a Gamma Scan of whole body (taking radiated something that sets off Border Patrol alarm apparatus). I went in for the next appointment. Overall the diagnosis was stage 2B on its way to stage 3.

Doctor's notations on my test results, an Aggressive Malignant cancer which has moved outside the organ to outer tissue, Stage 2B headed to Stage 3.

The Prostate biopsy showed:

10 to 100% of 13 of 17 samples

My Stress Level 60 out of 100


Good news, the Gamma Scan revealed no bone cancer, but Bad News:
Revealed a smaller Right Liver Cancer measuring 1.4 by 1.5 by 1.3 cm.

The prognosis was do nothing and I have 5 to 10 years to live, and 10 to 15, or a bit more, with surgery. We looked at the options of surgical removal of the entire prostate or undergo radiation treatments. Both procedures have about the same life expectancy outcome. 

My Stress Level now 70 out of 100

A week later, I got an appointment with a radiation doctor, and I learned surgery or radiation, either one involves chemical castration. Advice was to start the 30 days of pills to enact chemical castration. This was supplemnted with shots every sig months at my oncology doctor's office, to further the chemical castration, and keep testocercine at bay. This was predicted to allow oversized prostate (100cc) to shrink possibly by 30%, which would mean I was eligible for radiation therapy rather than surgical removal, which has some quite horrid side effects.

Feb 8, 2022 a now, fourth opinion, by MD Anderson was scheduled. I spoke to an intake facilitator to verify my DOB, drivers' license, and insurance info.  We went over the Gamma and CT scan, and the biopsy, and the Gleason Score (4+5=9 out possible 10). Since the cancer had moved outside the Prostate and one was atop rught Kidney, the Proton Radiation was the prediction.

Bicalutamide 50 mg 1/day AM, 30 tablets begun Tues Feb 15, 2022, ending Wed Mar 13
(per Dr. of Radiology order, RGU/El Paso office)

My Stress Level was now 100% when I learned I need to undergo Medical Castration

Hormone shot (Lupron?), Dr. of Oncology office, Tues Feb 17, 2022

By Mid-February I did practices of QiGong and so on and lowered it to Zero

Good News. Had colosopy test, and it came back negative.  Worst part is drinking a galon of Polyethylene Glycol.  The procedure itself: I was asleep with an IV drip to put me under, and did not feel a thing.

Mar 1, 2022 (today) I wait for MD Anderson video visit before flying to Houston.

 On Mar 2, I fly with my wife to Houston to see a surgeon, and get a second blood test done at MD Anderson. We may go to the Mayo Clinic after this. Why?  Mayo seems more about Mind Body Spirit holistics than MD Anderson. I am trying to keep and open mind.

I decided to implement more of my own teachings about Quantum Storytelling, and do what I could to lower my stress level.

Quantum Storytelling

The past 40 plus years I have been a storytelling researcher. I invented something called 'Quantum Storytelling' (QS) because I wanted to include something spiritual in quantum physics. I decided to put some preventive practices in places. My general Medical Doctor believes in Mind Body Spirit, and so do I. The other doctors, not so much, if at all, are only about the physiology of the body.

I was peeing every 20 minutes, and only aboly to sleep an hour at a time at night. I did Shamanic Drumming with my psychoanalyst, who is also a Curandero Shamanic Practitioner. I also am a Shamanic Practitioner.  As he did the Jaguar Song, and I beat on my own drum, a new Helping Spirit came to me during the meditation. I call it Little Buddha (but more accurately in Jainism its Little Mahavira).  By naming the cancers as Little Buddha and Little Mahavira, I was doiing something called the Embodied Restoryting Practice (ERP).

Little Buddha (aka Little Mahavira) looked like an infant, beamng with golden light seated on a Lotus Petal Flower

I am externalizing, so it has a name associated with making Cancer my Friend, so I might learn life lessons, become a better person, live a joyful life, not a stressful one.

I did some research: What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is 90 to 95% environmental, and only 5 to 10% genetic defects passed generation to generation (Anand et al., 2008). Fleshner and Ziotta (2009) conclude prostate is mostly a preventable disease.

Source: Anand et al., 2008

When we look at the Gene Cancers, we find Prostate cancer there.  When we look at Environment Cancers, its there too. I had been obese, over 220 pounds, and was not 177. Over past months with exercise, and increasing my running, I am about 165. My diet has been vegan for years, and vegetarian for decades since meeting Grace Ann. We do raw food a month or so annuall, we switched to total raw food diet, and added all the recommended supplemnets.  I quit alcohol some 24 years go, Cold Turkey. So that part is done. Toboacco, I smoke a pack to packa nd a half a day until Vietnam, then switched to a pipe, and a few years later about 1980 dropped all toboacco.  Anand et al (2008) do not include Agent Orange, which I will get to shortly.

Source: Anand et al., 2008

When we look at the variety of environmental cancer sources, we find in the 35% Diet cancers, that diet is 75% of Prostate cancer.   Even though Prostate cancer is mostly environmental, I notice every doctor obsesses on my father and mother  having had it or not. Nothing is said about diet.

Source: Anand et al., 2008

Prostate cancer can be either/or genetic (2.2% of all cancers) or environmental, such as 35%  of the environmental variety. Each cancer, has a prime contributor called diet, as much as 75% in cases of Prostate cancer are resultant of our own Diet choices. 

Diet and Prostate Cancer are so correlated that some countries such as China and India, have almost none (but have other kinds), and others, such as U.S. are riven with it (and most kinds).

Western Countries Rarely Address Preventing or Curing Prostate Cancer

"Death rates from prostate cancer vary across the globe, with Westernized nations having the highest risk of incidence and death and Asian nations having the lowest. The over- all chance of death from prostate cancer, even among Westernized nations that have not historically treated the disease for cure, is 3.5% to 4%" (Fleshner & Ziotta, 2007).

Until I met Grace Ann Rosile in 1994, my diet was exactly what feeds Prostate cancer growth  Pizza, burgers, and chocolate.

Arand et al. (2008) did not include an environmental cause of Prostate Cancer called 'Agent Orange.' Chamie et al. (2008) report Prostate cancer risk highly increased for Vietnam War veterans exposed to Agent Orange. I served in Vietnam as an Army sergeant, from April 2, 1969 to April 2, 1970.  Agent Organge was in the soil, the air, the water, and our food.


Anand, P., Kunnumakara, A. B., Sundaram, C., Harikumar, K. B., Tharakan, S. T., Lai, O. S., ... & Aggarwal, B. B. (2008). Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes.

Chamie, K., deVere White, R. W., Lee, D., Ok, J., & Ellison, L. M. (2008). Agent Orange exposure, Vietnam War veterans, and the risk of prostate cancer. Cancer, 113(9). 2464-2470.

Fleshner, N., & Zlotta, A. R. (2007). Prostate cancer prevention: past, present, and future. Cancer, 110(9), 1889-1899.

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